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Uso de percussion lock en inglés
In the percussionlock, there are fifteen pieces; in the common flint lock, eight.
This was the percussionlock, invented in 1807 by a clergyman and chemist named Alexander Forsyth.
He surveyed with great attention the percussionlock and heavier barrel of the rifle, surprised, no doubt, at its superior make and accuracy.
He had also purchased an old-fashioned double-barrelled fowling-piece, muzzle-loading and with percussionlocks.
The guns of the Cyane are medium thirty-two pounders; some of them have percussionlocks.
Percussionlocks had not at that time come into fashion, and long ranges had not yet been dreamed of.
A dissertation on the comparative merits of Manton's, Lancaster's, and Moore's guns, and the advantage of percussionlocks, it is true, generally diversifies the conversation.